Tuesday 1 January 2008


In order for agencies to go the next step into the future of PR and to keep up with all of the niche specific firms that are blossoming everyday - they need more diversity.

Different angles and viewpoints is what brings creativity and progression and to just keep bringing those of similar backgrounds and viewpoints into your company equal the same results for your clients.

I encourage top firms to take a chance every now and then and see what gem they might be able to mould.

The top consultancies have to do more of what Edelman is doing - giving young minorities an opportunity to work and succeed in the business. Edelman has made strides by hiring ethnics, giving them meaningful job descriptions and as much responsibility as they demonstrate they can handle rather than just hiring to be "window dressing" with small roles on small accounts.

I applaud Edelman on this exemplary behaviour. I would now like to call on Geronimo Communications, Exposure Promotions, The Red Consultancy, Lexis PR, Trimedia Harrison Cowley, Cake and other top consultancies to support this concern.

There can not be a "glass ceiling" for the advancement of blacks and asians in higher positions (managers, directors, VPs); nor can there be quotas on the number of minorities hired within a firm. The UK PR industry demands the diversity of ideas and that can only come from the collective minds of people of varying cultural and social backgrounds.

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