Thursday 3 January 2008


I’m often deeply saddened by the media's portrayal of the average minority youth especially teenage boys aged between 14 and 19 or should I refer to them as the 'ASBO' generation.

The thought that this is often the image portrayed by comedic sketches such as The Caterine Tate Show burns me as I’m proud to say I’m a produce of hard-working parents who have managed to send all my siblings to prestigious independent schools across the United Kingdom and we have developed a sound mind from our exposures and experiences which we have indirectly brought to our respective professions.

I have similar friends whom we have shared similiar life experiences and we all share the same view that in our industries we often find that instead of trading ideas, we spend most of our career years trying to convince people that even though we have different colour skin, we are exactly the same as them – we speak the same way, eat the same things, watch the same movies, listen to the same music and have similar aspirations.

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